
All of the children have settled incredibly well this week and we are so proud of them.They have been keen to learn and very enthusiastic in the classroom. Behaviour has been outstanding and the children have been so kind and helpful to each other. We have made a start on some of our curriculum areas such as science and computing. We have also really enjoyed sharing the class library books and also the books that were gifted to us by an education company. We also read a book called All the Ways to be Smart’ and reminded ourselves that we are ALL smart in our own ways. Here’s to a fantastic year ahead.
Do check in weekly with the class blog to see what we have been upto and to keep abreast of diary dates. Please also sign up to the class Seesaw account as we like to post lots of photos there of what we have been upto.

Next week we will be starting all of our lessons in full and we are hoping the weather holds so that we can get outside for science and PE. We have some fantastic lessons and activities planned and can’t wait to share them with you.


Expectations for reading are set out on the class newsletter below. There are also general suggestions for supporting spelling and maths. Any homework set will be posted on the weekly class blog. This will usually consist of the weekly spelling pattern for additional practice at home and some suggestions for games to support learning. Occasionally there will be other activities posted too.

Please find attached our class newsletter for information. You should have also received this in email form.

Diary Dates:

Please find attached the current list of events for the Autumn term. We will add to this and post on the class blog as needed.

First week back!

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