Hello everyone. It seems amazing that we are nearly into out third week of term already, the time has been flying by. Class 2 are already settling into new routines and have been superstars. We have been focussing on being kind and also on growth mindset and having a ‘can do’ attitude. We have also started our work on Wild adventure! – exploring Africa and the children had fun learning a song about the seven continents, pretending to be on safari and role-playing the story of Giraffes can’t dance.
Weekly homework has been set on Seesaw and the spelling patterns we are learning have been added to Seesaw too. In maths we have been working hard on recapping place value with two-digit numbers and using lots of practical apparatus such as numicon and multi-link.
We have an exciting visitor coming to Key Stage One very soon……Sam’s Safari. We will be able to see and learn about living things that have their natural habitat in Africa. If you want to find out more about Sam’s safari, you can look on their website.
Here are just a few photos from Autumn term in class two so far.