We have made it to the last day of this half-term! Amazing, I bet you are all ready for a rest. Well keep going just for today as there are lots of exciting things to do before we start the holidays. I am going to share Grace and Maddison’s photographic work of how they completed the Building Blocks challenge yesterday. I thought they showed a really good way of working. You can also see two of your classmates working in school on the same challenge. Well done to everybody who tried it, it may not look like you were using computing skills, but you were applying lots of logic and practising using algorithms and decomposition. I have also seen some great acrostic poem plans and rocket designs so I can’t wait to see your finished work. I also think Maddison’s word art for her spellings this week is excellent. What do you think?
So for the final time this half-term, here is today’s plan.
- English
- Spelling
- Brain Break
- Maths
- Build your space rocket.
English: I really loved reading the poems that you planned yesterday. There were some really original ideas that fitted really well with the space themed word that you picked and some great descriptive language. Well done everybody. If you didn’t complete that task yesterday, you will need to do that first today. If you have completed it, I have uploaded the acrostic templates to Seesaw so you can use those to type out your best copy of your poem. Alternatively you could write it out on paper to practise your handwriting and then add illustrations to it in bold colours.
Spelling: I have added a spelling quiz to Purple Mash 2do for you today. Just as a side note, if there any other activities on Purple Mash that you still want to have a go at, do that today too or over the weekend as I will be removing some of them over half-term to make room for new ones.
Brain Break: The brain break with the most votes this week is Koo Koo Kanga Roo Pop See Ko. I won’t post a vote for a new one until after half-term. I hope you enjoy dancing along to this one.
Maths: You have a Solar System codebreaker activity today, tie-ing in our theme work on space, our computing work on coding and recapping the maths work we did a few weeks ago with addition and subtraction. The templates are on Seesaw and the download below. If you do decide to download it, just be aware the answers are on page 3.
Design technology: So it’s over to you for the last task of this half-term. It’s time to crack on and build your space rockets! Don’t forget to keep looking at your design, although it it fine to change it. All good design engineers evaluate their designs and modify them or improve them if they need to. Don’t forget to upload lots of photographs and /or videos of your rockets to Seesaw as I can’t wait to see them.
Extra activities for half-term: You may have heard about the annual star count. This year it takes place up to 14th February 2021. If you are interested in finding out more or taking part, then click the link https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/55970101
Here are some additional craft activities if you have enjoyed building your space rocket.
Well class 2, it’s certainly been different but I have been so impressed with everything you have done and I am so, so proud of all of you for how you have adapted to this way of working. Mums, dads, grandparents and other adults too, thank-you so much for making my job so much easier by supporting the children and encouraging them and guiding them whilst still trying to work, cook, clean, shop and generally not pull your hair out! Thanks especially to everyone who noticed when I had uploaded the wrong links or the wrong templates and politely kept me right. (In school we always tell the children ‘mistakes are our friends’ and it’s certainly true in my case!)
Class 2 you have challenged yourselves and pushed yourselves to still produce some of your best work yet. Fingers crossed we will all be back in our cosy little classroom all together soon but in the meantime look out for lots of exciting activities coming your way after the half-term break. I’m still here over half-term so do feel free to upload anything of interest to Seesaw or send me an email, Mrs P x
Enjoy the break and see you soon!