Wow class 2 have worked so hard this week and have achieved so much even though we only have three days in school. We started the week by learning to tell the time and by Friday, everyone was confidently identifying quarter to and quarter past times on analogue clock and completing word problems applying their knowledge. In English, pupils completed and polished their no-chronological reports and enjoyed activities relating to the grammar objective commas in a list.
Class 2 have continued their work on plants in science and started work on their bean diaries so that they can record their observations and measure their broad bean plants on a weekly basis. They also planted extra broad bean seeds in ziploc bags with just a little bit of moist compost or damp tissue and they will be observing how the seed changes as it germinates.
In R.E. Mrs Hilton asked the class to consider big questions. Their actual questions about God were indeed very big and we are in the process of creating a really fantastic display which I will post a picture of next week.
Today we had great fun practising our balancing skills by seeing how long we could balance on one leg. We then increased the difficulty by patting our heads and rubbing our tummies at the same time which everyone though was lots of fun. Finally we had a go at seeing if we could throw and catch a beanbag whilst balancing on one leg. Lots of children did really well at this and it was lovely to be out in the fresh air.
We managed to find time in such a crowded week for some free reading today. All of the children love visiting our book area and making their own choice of reading material from fiction, non-fiction, comics, role-play stories with puppets, bibles and chapter books. They always love sharing books with their friends too.