Welcome back everybody to the summer term in class 2. After a lovely Easter break, the children came back excited to see everyone and very enthusiastic to continue their learning on the theme of ‘Everywhere around us’. Already this week they have investigated photographs of Brandesburton in the past and compared them with how the village looks today. The class have written a short report on how the village has changed over time and they are looking forward to our village walk in a couple of weeks. They also learned how to use the Google Earth app in map view and street view to see how the village looks in modern times.
We also enjoyed our regular Tuesday afternoon working alongside class 1 for science. We began our new topic on plants; class 1 planted Mr Cress heads whilst class 2 planted broad beans which they will observe and measure over the next few weeks and write in their broad bean diaries.

This is our class curriculum map for the learning we are hoping will take place this half-term. We are very excited to be making plans to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee too!

Homework: As we approach the time when year 2 pupils will complete their SATs tests, the homework focus foe the next couple of weeks will be on providing them with lots of examples of past SATs questions in order to familiarise them with the format and layout. SATs are done in a very low key way in year 2 and as the class are used to carrying out a range of half-termly assessments, I’m sure they will take the SATs tests in their stride.