As I am sure that you are aware, we have had a mighty busy week, this week. However, the children have all been amazing and wowed us with their fantastic attitudes and behaviour! Well done Class 2!

In maths this week, we have continued to develop our understanding of volume and capacity. We have been measuring in litres and millilitres and using our problem solving skills to answer capacity questions involving the four operations.
We have thoroughly enjoyed reading a new text in our Literacy lessons, ‘The Secret of Black Rock’, by Joe Todd-Stanton. We will be using this text to help us write descriptive sentences, before adapting the text to make the story our own.

The children have been learning about the life cycle of the broad been seed that they planted. They have looked at the different stages of growth from seed germination to a seedling to a mature plant. They have created bean wheels to show this information and sequenced a set of life cycle pictures. The children are looking forward to writing in their bean diaries next week so fingers crossed that the seeds they planted last week have started to grow so they can record some exciting information!
Our spelling focus for this week is adding ‘es’ to nouns and verbs ending in ‘y’. Why not make your own game of matching pairs by cutting 20 small squares of paper, writing each word out twice and then turning the paper over and mixing them up?

Our reading score this week was 82%. Well done to all of those that read 3 times or more this week.
As a class, our attendance this week was 93%, unfortunately we have had quite a few poorly tummies. Hopefully, we will all be fit and well and back in school next week! We can’t wait to see you all!