This week class 2 have completed their work on coding in computing. Their understanding of programming and debugging is outstanding! The 2code program is available on Purple Mash for everyone who would like to do some more coding in their free time. We have also completed our work on measure in maths this week and next week will see us start to work on time. Telling the time is a great life-skill – please see homework suggestions below to support with this skill.
In English everyone has been working so hard on innovating parts of the story ‘The Secret of Black Rock’ in order to add their own original detail. We have been focusing on sentence starters and using interesting adjectives to make our writing exciting. The children can’t wait to write their fully innovated versions of the story to share with everyone.
In science we were very excited to see that some of our broad bean plants have geminated. We will be observing and measuring them weekly and writing about our observations in our bean diaries. I wonder who will have the tallest broad bean plant and how tall it will be in centimetres?
As the weather was fine on Wednesday, we were able to get outside to run the Key Stage One Bug and Bird Club. Many pupils in class 2 have signed up for this and enjoyed using the nets, magnifying glasses and containers to investigate the many minibeasts who have made their habitats in our school grounds.

By the end of year 2 children working at age related expectations in maths need to be able to tell the time on an analogue clock on the hour, half past the hour and quarter past and quarter to the hour. Some children will exceed this objective and will be able to tell the time to the nearest five minutes. Please practise telling the time with your child at home firstly recapping the ‘o’clock’ and half past skills that they will have learned in year 1. There will be some time related activities that you can access on Purple Mash and here are some links to another fun game to try called Clocking In and also Matching Pairs time . If you don’t have an analogue clock or watch at home, you can access one here and practise telling the time in lots of ways

This week we once again didn’t quite hit our 100% target. Unfortunately only 80% of us read three times or more at home. Reading regularly not only helps us to improve our reading speed and fluency but it also helps us with our writing in all areas of the curriculum. Please do your best to read three times or more next week!


Well done Class 2! This week you smashed it!