We’ve had a busy but great week. We started our new English writing unit and what excitement we had on Monday when we came in to the classroom to some items that had been left. The children were very curious and came up with some great ideas as to what it could be. They all guessed it was going to be ‘The Three Little Pigs’.
In maths we have been working multiplication sentences, arrays and grouping and sharing. History we continued to look at past and present London and in Dance we have made a great start on our dance routine. The children are enjoying this and the music.
What’s happening next week:
Next week we will be continuing with the Three Little Pigs. In History we will begin to look at the great fire of London. Don’t forget if you find anything out at home bring it in to share with the class.
We’ve continued to have a big focus on our ‘CEW’ (common exception words) this week and hopefully everyone has been practising at home. We have been testing the spelling/writing of these words this week. Please continue to practise all Year 1 and 2 common exception words. The children also got their new spellings this week which will be tested on Monday.
Class Focus:
We are continuing with a big focus on handwriting and our writing skills. Can you do any writing practise at home?
Dates for your diary: