Highlights: This week in maths we have continued with addition and subtraction. Some of the children have still struggled to apply number bonds to ten to help with addition. For example, being able to quickly add 3+6+7 because they already…
Weekly round up 11.10.24
Highlights: This week in maths we have continued with addition and subtraction. Some of the children have struggled to apply number bonds to ten to help with addition. For example, being able to quickly add 3+6+7 because they already know…
Weekly Round Up 4.10.24
In maths we have done the end of the place value unit assessment and have begun the focus on addition and subtraction. In English we have moved onto learning about imaginary settings descriptions using the book The Smeds and the…
Weekly Round Up 27.9.24
In maths we have been continuing with our number line work and have been comparing numbers. Quite a few children reverse numbers when they are writing them, it would be really helpful if you could practise writing numbers 1-10 with…
Weekly Round Up 20.9.24
Highlights: In History this week we have continued with our research on Amy Johnson, we discussed how and what we could use to find out more. We then used a variety of different sources to gather information and we were…
Weekly round up 13.9.24
Highlights: We’ve had a super first full week back and the children have been busy getting stuck into all our subjects. In English we have been reading the book Here Come the Aliens. You can access an animated version of…
First week back!
Highlights: All of the children have settled incredibly well this week and we are so proud of them.They have been keen to learn and very enthusiastic in the classroom. Behaviour has been outstanding and the children have been so kind…
Final Friday round up! 19/07/24
This week has been a week of very mixed emotions. Although we have all been excitedly looking forward to our Summer holidays (and perhaps even some sunshine), we have to say goodbye to class 2 as it currently is and…
Friday round up12/7/24
This week class 2 have been working on their Design Technology Project to design and build a bridge. They have thoroughly enjoyed identifying and testing different materials to make their bridge and discovering how much weight their bridges could hold.…
Friday round up 05/07/24
Well after today we will only have two more Fridays left and then school is out for Summer! The year has certainly flown by. Our children will all get the chance to spend the morning in their new class on…