This year has absolutely flown by and I can’t believe we are about to have the last day of the Summer term. Class 2, you have been an absolute pleasure to teach. You have been enthusiastic, inquisitive, eager to learn,…
Weekly round up and homework w/c 10/07/23
Last week was sports week and you can see photos of what we got up to at the end of this post. Bowling at the local bowls club and smoothie making were the highlights of our week. We also had…
Weekly round up and homework w/c 03/07/23
Last week we really enjoyed a pottery morning with the artist Eleanor. All of Key Stage One were able to paint a tile with a lovely flower design. The tiles have gone to be fired in Eleanor’s kiln and will…
Weekly round up and homework for w/c 26/06/23
Class 2 LOVED Arts week last week! We investigated and created poetry and then all of the pupils created self-portraits. They have a special Arts Week book which will be going home very soon. This week we are back consolidating…
Weekly round up and homework
Last week we completed our maths topic on telling the time and we also completed our diary work relating to the Great Fire of London. We loved the warmer weather and the opportunity to get outside and use our P.E.…
Weekly round up and homework 12/06/23
Class two had a very busy first week back and after sharing what we had been up to over the half-term break, we launched straight into our theme work on the Great Fire of London and also our related English…
Weekly round up w/c 22/05/23
What an incredibly busy half -term we have had! i can’t believe there is only one more half term to go and then that’s it for this academic year and the year two pupils! Last week the pupils undertook SATs…
Weekly round up and homework w/c 09/05/23
Class 2 really enjoyed their design technology project this week. We designed and made an afternoon tea to celebrate the King’s Coronation. We used lots of cross-curricular skills to write instructions for making our fruit kebabs. We used our maths…
Weekly round up and homework w/c 02/05/23
The highlight of last week was undoubtedly our Key Stage One Visit to Howsham Mill. The weather held for us and 38 excited children and an assortment of staff and parent helpers duly arrived ready for our day of outdoor…
Summer newsletter
Here is the class newsletter for the Summer term. Hopefully lots of exciting things for use to get stuck into!