We have had lots of photos uploaded to Seesaw showing you reading in your favourite places. You can see some of the photos below. Remember you need your school reading book and log in school EVERY day and the aim is to get three reading signatures each week. Our class percentage for achieving this was quite low compared to other classes in the school last week, hopefully this week it will be better.
This week we enjoyed our PE lesson on Monday when we had the second session of handball. Everyone tried really hard with their throwing, catching and ball control skills. I was also impressed that we are getting quicker at logging onto Purple Mash on the Chrome Books. You should all have a Purple Mash login stuck in the front of your reading logs now so that you can access Purple Mash activities at home. Please try to practise logging on with your username and password so that you will become even speedier! If you can’t access Purple Mash on a device at home, you could still practise your login details by copying them out into your homework book.

Earlier this week when we started reading our class book ‘The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me’ by Roald Dahl, it mentioned a sweet shop known as a Grubber. We started discussing what our favourite sweets are and what sweets we would sell if we owned a sweet shop. (My favourites were fizzy cola bottles and absolutely ANYTHING chocolatey!) Lots of you wanted to share your ideas and didn’t get chance, so for homework, can you write in your homework book what your favourite sweets are and why? Maybe you could ask mum, dad or your grandparents what their favourites are and write about them too? We would love to see a picture and lots of amazing adjectives to describe the sweets. Do remember to use capital letters and full stops carefully and check your work. Please upload a photo of your work to Seesaw.

Your spelling words for this week are the same as last week in order to consolidate our work on homophones. We will be practising this spelling pattern in school and we will also complete the Purple Mash spelling quiz as part of Monday’s computing lesson. Here’s a reminder of the spelling examples from last week, can you find any more? How are you going to practise your spellings? Are you going to read them aloud or maybe voice record them for Seesaw? Can you write the spelling words in rainbow shapes, bubble writing or even spiky writing? Could you play hangman with your spelling words with another member of your family? Look below to find out who was doing lots of practising last week and some ideas for making spelling practice fun!

Big Thank you!
Thank you to all of the parents and carers that came to join us today for our library reading session. If you couldn’t make it this week but would like to join us next week, we would love to see you at 3pm.

Home reading scores
This week we were below our reading target with only 50% of the class reading 3 times or more at home. Please, Please, Please do your best to read 3 times or more this week as we would love to be nearer the top of the reading record chart!