P.E. Here is the fourth in the cricket series. If you’ve followed them all so far you should be quite skillful by now. I can’t wait to see what you have learnt. For something different, why not try Cosmic Kids Yoga http://youtube.com/user/cosmickidsyoga

Computing: it’s great to see everyone completing so much work on Purple Mash, especially work that supports learning in other areas such as writing a report on germination for science or writing a weather report for geography or using music to help you with your times tables. I can see coding is still popular so this week I have found a coding website where you can practise your coding skills, including Minecraft activities and a dance party! https://code.org/athome

History: Try an interactive search at the British Museum to find out lots of information from the past https://britishmuseum.withgoogle.com/ and also the main website at https://www.britishmuseum.org/ It might also be interesting to investigate where the Queen lives by doing a virtual tour of Buckingham Palace https://www.royal.uk/virtual-tours-buckingham-palace

History project: You might like to take part in the My home is my museum project being undertaken by National Museums Liverpool. You can gather up to ten items that you think represent your interests or hobbies or even just your favourite things then you write a short explanation about them or even film a short video. For more information click here: https://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/my-home-my-museum

Maths: Try these activities.

Just for fun: Why not try the lego website for some fun games https://www.lego.com/en-gb/kids

There will be some science activities for you tomorrow. Meanwhile don’t forget to water any seeds that you have planted, complete your sunflower diaries and complete your investigation work for the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk.

Terrific Tuesday

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