Hello class two! Have you enjoyed taking part in creative arts week? I hope you have tried some fun things. Thanks mums and dad for for all the work you have shared with me via email. I have posted lots of it below. We have also made it to 200 books read on EPIC. Well done to everyone who has contributed to this. If you haven’t tried EPIC yet and have forgotten your login details, then please email me and I will resend them.

Here’s some of your fab work – keep it up I am really proud of all that you have been doing. Don’t forget to scroll to the end for two creative arts themed class treats. Head over to the Home Learning Blog next week for …..Sports Week!

Katy’s science investigation with paper

Lara’s amazing optical illusion art

Riley’s writing

Evie’s science investigation
Evie’s |English work

Now for some fun! Try these 🙂
Friday round up – 3rd July