Well well class 2 the summer holidays have arrived and that feels so strange! You have all completed your time in Key Stage One now and you have done everyone proud. No-one expected the term would end like this but we had almost seven months of ‘normal’ class time together before we had to learn to adapt to home learning and different ways of communicating with our families and friends. It was a learning curve for everyone including all of your mums and dads and I think we could all give ourselves a big pat on the back don’t you class two? I popped a little Wordart message into your carriers bags of school work but I know some of you haven’t managed to collect your work yet so I have put it at the end of this post too. I am overwhelmed by the amazing artwork that Mrs Marlow delivered this week on behalf of you all (see photo further down). It is truly special and I will treasure it forever. It has pride of place in my office above my noticeboard. A huge thank-you to all the mums and dads for this and for supporting your child all through this academic year. Thank-you so much too for the extra little gifts I have received from lots of you during this week, they are all greatly appreciated. I am sad not to be celebrating the end of term in the classroom with you but I will look forward to seeing how much you have grown by September when you come back with your fresh haircuts, new uniforms and shiny shoes ready to tackle year three. If I know Mrs Altoft, there will be an exciting year ahead of you and I will be watching you all!
Take care and enjoy your holidays,
Mrs P xx
Mrs Irvin wanted to send you all a message too:

And a message from Mrs Prince:
Hi class 2 I hope you have all been ok and had lots of fun in lockdown. I have seen some of you in school but I can’t wait to see you all again in September. I am going to be with you all for part of the day and I can’t wait to hear all your stories. Have a great Summer ?