Maths: keep practising the on-going skills. Well done to all of you that have completed number bond and sequencing challenges on Purple Mash. I have seen lots of evidence of spelling work this week as well, keep it up. This week I have set you a practical maths problem. If you email me a photograph of your solutions I can post them on the blog but you don’t need to if you don’t want to.


Have a try at this sixty second reading comprehension. This is a year two reading comprehension. Read as far as you can in sixty seconds. If you wish you can then ask an adult to share the reading with you or help you with tricky words or you can keep reading independently to the end. Then try the questions. Mums and dads – some children will find this task relatively easy and some will find it above their current independent reading level, please only let your child do what you feel is comfortable for them, it is still very early in the term.

Thank-you for all of the reading you are currently doing, be it your own choice of book, library books, school banded books, our class EPIC account or online at Oxford Owl. I am seeing so much improvement in reading skills including fluency and also comprehension skills during our guided reading session.

Homework w/c 12/10/20

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