Everyone has worked their socks off this week! In Computing we have been using the 2 respond programme on Purple Mash to help us learn safely about email communication. In geography we have revised our work on learning the names of continents and we have looked at Google Earth as a tool for zooming in on different continents, countries and cities around the world. The children were fascinated by this.
In English we have started reading stories from the Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch series. We wrote our predictions for the end of the story and were excited to see if the mustard in Mr Grinling’s sandwich really did keep away the pesky seagulls! (It did!) This inspired us to design our own disgusting sandwiches which included the delights of slimy slugs, squishy eyeballs, toe nails, rat tails and blood! Yuk! We also completed some work on expanded noun phrases and using adjectives to add detail to our work. This will stand us in good stead for writing character descriptions next week and then writing our own storyboards.
In maths we completed our block of work on place value and will move onto addition and subtraction next week. Place value mental skills need to be constantly revisited to ensure they stick in the long-term memory so please keep practising counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s, learning number bonds to 10 and 20 off by heart, ordering numbers and using < > and = signs and recognising numbers with tens and ones and being able to place them on a number line. We have been using a range of song and games to help consolidate these skills and I have added all the links to Seesaw.
The website http://www.topmarks.co.uk is always worth visiting for mental maths skills and there are also activities added to each child’s 2do section on their Purple Mash account.
Our spelling pattern for next week will be the /o/ sound spelt with an ‘a’ after qu and w. Here is a list of example words that we will use during our spelling activities.
I have also set you a spelling word search on Seesaw to complete for next week’s homework using some words following this spelling pattern. You can use the Seesaw highlighter tools for this but do see me if you need a hard copy. See if you can find any examples of this this spelling pattern in your reading books too!