Class Two have continued with their excellent attitude to learning this week. We really enjoyed our outdoor learning in the wildlife garden where we made tally charts of different minibeasts that have their habitats there. We also showed Miss Northen our pond and wildlife area and she is very excited about developing this area for future outdoor learning.
We have read several more books in the Lighthouse keeper series and everyone has really enjoyed finding out about the further adventures of Mr and Mrs Grinling and Hamish the cat. It has really inspired the children to plan their own adventures for the characters and we are starting to map these out on a story mountain and then produce a more detailed story board.
Maths skills this week included learning about related facts and fact families in addition and subtraction and everyone has worked really hard to understand these concepts. This will really help them as we move onto more challenging calculations.
We also started our art unit based on the artist JMW Turner. The children were able to say what they liked about different seascape paintings by Turner and we also discussed how Turner’s work gives us a glimpse into history in the time before cameras were available. Next week we will painting our own seascapes in the style of Turner.
Our spelling pattern for the next week will be spelling the /er/ and /or/ sound with ‘or’ and ‘ar’ after the letter ‘w’. It cab be quite tricky for children to grasp the correct spellings for words like worm and warm! We will do lots of consolidation activities to help them learn these spelling patterns. Children will also be applying their number bond skills in their maths homework. Homework can be completed and returned via Seesaw or hard copies requested.