The highlight of last week was undoubtedly our Key Stage One Visit to Howsham Mill. The weather held for us and 38 excited children and an assortment of staff and parent helpers duly arrived ready for our day of outdoor learning. As well as being able to take part in a minibeast hunt and use the pooters to ‘suck up’ mini-beasts for closer observation, the children were also able to make bug caravans and toast marshmallows around the camp fire to make S’mores. They also enjoyed seeing the water wheel in action and the newer water turbine that are both used to generate green electricity. Opinion was divided on the favourite activity of the day although it is fair to say that the outdoor compost toilets were not popular! Lots of running around in the fresh air led to quite a few sleepy children on the coach home and a little peace for the adults!

This week we will be carrying out our food technology project as part of our Design Technology Curriculum, We will be planning, designing and making an afternoon tea to celebrate the King’s Coronation as well as researching where some of the ingredients that we will be using come from within the UK. More information and photos will be shared next week!

As we move another week closer to our year 2 SATs tests, I am once again using some example questions for additional practice as homework. Templates can be found on Seesaw. Spelling will once again consolidate our work on using apostrophes for possession and contraction and applying the rules for these in independent written work across the curriculum.


Weekly round up and homework w/c 02/05/23

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