It has been lovely to see everyone back in school this week looking super smart and ready to learn. We have loved hearing about everything you got up to during the holidays. It sounds like Santa really enjoyed reading those amazing letters that you wrote him at the end of last term.

We have lots of exciting learning opportunities for you this term so look out for the class newsletter that should be in your bookbags today. It will also be posted on Seesaw. We will be sending TT Rockstars logins home this week and showing you how to access the website, the practice arenas and any battles that are set up. We know lots of you have been very keen to get started with this! As our maths unit this half-term will be multiplication and division, accessing TT Rockstars will really help with your quick recall of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. It will also help you to speed up and be more confident in answering the times tables questions on our daily maths quickstarts.
We will also be sending you home some fish! These are actually the templates for the year 1 and year 2 common exception word spellings. Our suggestion is that you pick two colours. Colour half of each word in that you can confidently read then colour the other half in when you can confidently spell it. Pin your fish somewhere where you won’t forget about them – like the front of the fridge or a noticeboard – and keep coming back to them regularly to update your progress. You can always send us photos of your fish via Seesaw as we would love to see how you are getting on.

This week your spellings all end in ‘le’. You all thoroughly enjoyed playing a dice game to practise the spellings (below). Why don’t you have a go with a guardian or sibling? How many other ways can you find to practise these words at home?

This week we 2 scored a very beatable 64% on our home-reading. Next week all of us will be coming home with new phonics, guided reading, or reading for pleasure books. Please make sure we all read three times at home and get a parent to record it in your reading log. We are more than happy for you to write your own comment about what you have read and whether you enjoyed the book!
Dragons, dragons everywhere!
This week we have started a story in Literacy all about dragons. Since then we have been finding evidence of dragons everywhere! If you go out an about this weekend, please take the time to see whether you can spot any dragons hiding in plain sight.