This week has been another fun filled week! In English, they have been practising their story writing techniques, in order to prepare them for writing their own journey story, over the next couple of weeks. This week in maths, the…
Friday round up 14/06/24
Class Two are superstars! They have worked incredibly hard this week undertaking their SATs tests in reading, spelling, grammar and maths. All of them gave their very best and can be very proud of their attitude to learning and their…
Dear parents, Next week our year 2 pupils will undertake Standard Attainment Tests (SATs) in reading, writing, spelling and grammar. The tests will take place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning and the normal school curriculum will be taught…
Quick round-up 7th June
This week, the children have had lots of fun whilst learning about the new topics they will be covering this half term. On Wednesday, they also had the opportunity to visit Wassand Hall and work with local artist, Charlotte, for…
Friday round up 24/05/24
Wow this half-term has really flown past. Before we know it, class 2 will be in their last half-term of year 2 and will be starting to get ready to ”go through the arch’ as we call it, into year…
Friday round up 17/05/24
Class 2 have excitedly begun their art unit this week. The focus this term is on sculpture. The children are investigating different techniques for sculpting before designing and creating their own 3D tile which will feature a bridge. The children…
Friday round up 10/05/24
Another busy week in class 2 with hints of sunshine and summer putting in an appearance! As it does start to get warmer, please make sure you have applied sun cream to your child before they come to school and…
Friday Round Up 03/05/24
This week class 2 have completed their work on coding in computing. Their understanding of programming and debugging is outstanding! The 2code program is available on Purple Mash for everyone who would like to do some more coding in their…
What a week!
As I am sure that you are aware, we have had a mighty busy week, this week. However, the children have all been amazing and wowed us with their fantastic attitudes and behaviour! Well done Class 2! In maths this…
Friday round up 19/04/24
This week has seen class 2 working hard on finishing off their English unit on non-chronological reports. They have been designing their own original mini-beast and writing about its appearance, diet (very gory in some cases!), habitat and how it…