Last week class 2 were very busy creating their non-chronological reports on a range of mini-beasts, linked to our science work. The pupils learned all about including sub-headings, writing in paragraphs and using factual and technical language. They also used…
Homework: As we are revising our ability to read and spell the year 2 common exception words this week, I have added a task to Seesaw (see below). I am also sending home a year 2 CEW word list and…
Class 2 had a very busy week as usual last week. They completed some excellent Remembrance Poetry and artwork that is now proudly displayed in the corridor for everyone to see. Our week culminated in our Remembrance Service held around…
Last week we focused on creating some excellent Bonfire Night poetry and the children really did produce some outstanding work with so many powerful adjectives and verbs to describe the fireworks. Popping, whistling, fizzing, banging, squealing, sparkling and twinkling were…
Class 2 w/c 31/10/22
Welcome back to school everyone and for those celebrating Halloween tonight and Bonfire Night later in the week, I hope you have a fun time and please stay safe. Do upload any photos to our class Seesaw account so we…
Our online art gallery
Do have a look at some of the amazing water colour paintings created in the style of JMW Turner. The children worked really hard on creating their colour washes for the sea and the sky and adding in directional light.…
Weekly round up 21st October
Wow! Just wow! Class 2 you have worked so hard this week and even though I lost my voice and couldn’t be with you on Monday, you still tried your absolute best and I am really proud of you. This…
14.10.22 Weekly round-up and homework
Class Two have continued with their excellent attitude to learning this week. We really enjoyed our outdoor learning in the wildlife garden where we made tally charts of different minibeasts that have their habitats there. We also showed Miss Northen…
What a fab week in class 2!
Everyone has worked their socks off this week! In Computing we have been using the 2 respond programme on Purple Mash to help us learn safely about email communication. In geography we have revised our work on learning the names…
We have enjoyed celebrating European Day of Languages this week. All of the children answered the register using a different language each day to say hello. They also each learned to say hello in a different language to each other…