First of all I’m going to share this week’s cricket lesson with you. learn how to be a super striker.

If you don’t fancy cricket, have a look on where there is a wealth of different channels for everything from mental wellbeing to brain exercise to zumba!
As a school we have signed up to the Great Science Share Project. This is a national online collaboration between lots of different schools who are going to share some of the science work they are doing over the next few weeks. It launched yesterday with a focus on birds but we have completed our online learning on birds already so I have lots of your work to share for the project. Please do keep looking and listening for them in your garden and on your walks and email any photos or sketches that you do. If you want any more information on the Great Science Share click on the link. This week we are going to refocus on plants. How are your seeds growing? I emailed sunflower diaries out to all of you that I had email addresses for so don’t forget to fill them in or make notes in your home learning book as they grow. You should have a good idea by now what plants need to grow but what happens if they don’t have water AND light, will they still grow? This is the focus of our science work for this week. I have emailed you a powerpoint from the Giant in the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, he needs to know how to grow a strong, tall beanstalk to get back to his castle! Please try and watch the powerpoint (email me if you haven’t received it ) as it has much more detail than I can post on the blog. Here are the key slides and some video messages from the giant!:

Here is a recording sheet for your work and an additional activity. If you can’t plant any more seeds, you can just make predictions about what you think will happen if seeds have water but no light, light but no water, nothing or both. We will discuss our findings at the end of next week.

There will be some more science activities tomorrow to keep you going!