I’m posting the remainder of this week’s science work now but please check in with the blog later this afternoon as I have a HUGE V.E. day post to share with you with lots of fun and varied activities. To start today’s work on germination off, please watch this short animated clip.
Now you’ve learned a little bit more about how a seed starts to grow you can complete the following activities. Firstly the life cycle of a bean plant sheet. You can can either print the Pdf (which has more than one version) or look at the screen shot and design your own. Write a description of what happens at each stage of the life cycle and draw an illustration in the box.

After that you might like to make a spin wheel to show the life cycle of a bean plant. the Pdf is too large to load to the blog but I can email it to you if you ask. Otherwise you can look at the screen shots and make your own. You will need a split pin for the middle (or you could make do with poking a paper clip through).

Finally a reading comprehension text to allow you to check your knowledge of germination and the bean life cycle. It will also support your reading development as we tend to read less non-fiction than fiction. I have also added lots of books on plants to everyone’s EPIC reading account so look on there for further reading.

The files for the Life Cycle wheel and the reading comprehension are too big to post as PDFs on the blog so I will email those out to everyone I have an email address for. Please email me your address if I don’t have it already and you would like additional resources sending in this way. Finally there are some templates on Purple Mash in the class 2Do section on plant life cycles that you can have a go at. If you have tried it already, you might want to try and improve your work, based on the extra knowledge you have now learned as we would do if we were in school.