Good Morning Everyone Mrs Altoft here! Today’s and tomorrow’s blog posts are slightly different because…

and we thought it would be great fun to celebrate whether you are at home or school. We are sharing the same on every class blog today in order to give you the chance to work with brothers and sisters and have a little bit of fun for your FINAL 2 days of home learning.
Before we get started, I just wanted to share the World Book Day live event at 10.30am today which you may wish to watch as a family.
Right, onto our activities, I have planned a range of activities, feel free to tweak them if needed so that everyone has fun!
Activity 1 – As it is World Book Day we would like to unveil something that I have been working on over the last couple of weeks…Brandesburton Primary School’s VIRTUAL LIBRARY!

For your first task this morning I would like you to have an explore of the library and choose a story or two to listen to or read.
Then choose one of these activities to complete…

Please click on the link below to take you to our library on the school website…I hope you enjoy it!
Activity 2 – As you will have seen I have added an ‘Our favourite stories’ section to our library. For your next task I would like to know about your favourite book. What book do you enjoy reading?
I would like you to create an animation, cartoon or film to retell your favourite story. You could use 2animate on purple mash, you could draw it as a cartoon or you could make it as a film using objects to retell it or you could even star in the film yourself!
Here are two examples we made during the first lockdown…
I can’t wait to see what you create!
Activity 3 – For your third and final activity of the day, I would like you to create something ready for tomorrow. I would like you to create a book cover/picture/model to represent for one of the following books…

I would then like you to display your picture in a window/the garden of your house. You might want to just use paper and put it in the window or make an actual model and display it in the garden. Please work as a team together as your finished piece of artwork will be very important tomorrow?!?!
I hope you have a lovely day. Remember to send photos of your work to your teacher on Seesaw/Evidence Me so we can see what you have been doing. Have fun! Mrs A x
As it is World Book Day, there’s no better day than to complete the final part of our Amelia Earhart biography that we have been reading this week.