I received some amazing letters to Amy yesterday so I just have to share them. Your writing has been outstanding class 2, well done. It looks like you all had fun with the science activity too.

Here’s the plan for today class 2. This will be our last home learning plan like this as we are finishing the week with two days of whole school World Book Day activities. Try your very best with all of the tasks I have set today and I will be back on Friday to say goodbye to home learning!
- English
- Spelling.
- Maths
- Wellbeing activities
English: We are going to complete our work on Amelia Earhart today. Remember last week when we said that Amy Johnson was courageous or brave? It must have been quite scary to go up in an aeroplane when not many people had done it before, especially not alone. Amelia was also very courageous. Both Amy and Amelia were determined and resilient too and they loved a challenge. Today I want you to try and imagine what Amelia was thinking when she flew solo over the Atlantic Ocean. You can complete the thought bubble template or draw your own thought bubbles and add your ideas to them.

Your second task is to think of three things that Amelia would have needed on her journey that would have been really important to her. if I were going on a long journey today, my most important thing of all to take would be my mobile phone as I could use Google Maps to plan my route and I could ring someone if I needed help. Amelia wouldn’t have been able to do that as mobile phones hadn’t been invented then. I think I would then choose a snack like chocolate and if I wasn’t driving I would take my Kindle or a book. What are you going to choose for Amelia? You can draw and label them and then if you want to, you can write a short explanation of why the things you have chosen would be important. There is a template or you can just draw them on paper or in your homework book.

Now it’s time for the third instalment of our book ‘Who was Amelia Earhart?’
Just for fun I thought I would show you this picture I have on my wall at home. It shows two members of the Flying Black Hats (one man, one woman) playing tennis on the wings of an aeroplane at 3000 feet up in the air! The photo was taken in 1925 which was during the time that the Wright Brothers and Amelia Earhart were flying too and just before Amy Johnson became an aviator. They would have flown very similar planes. The Flying Black Hats were an aerial stunt group that did all sorts of aerobatics at air shows. Hopefully they had some form of safety harnesses on to stop them falling off. I imagine the tennis ball needed to be on a piece of elastic too!

Spelling: I have added the word search and the handwriting sheet for the ‘tion’ spelling pattern to Seesaw for you.
Maths: You were amazing with adding money amounts yesterday, today’s lesson focuses on working out how much change to give someone if they buy something or how much change you should get if you buy something in a shop.
if you want some additional practice, you can set up a shop like you did on Monday or there is an additional task from White Rose Maths here which is also on Seesaw. (If you access it from Seesaw it will have the boxes on for answers, the file is too big to upload that version to the blog.)

Wellbeing activities: Deaf people can find it hard to communicate and often use either lip-reading or sign language. During the Corona virus pandemic, lip-reading has been really hard for them as lots of adults have need to cover their mouths with masks. I thought it would be both fun and useful if we practised finger spelling to sign the alphabet. Can you learn to spell your name using the signing alphabet?

If you click on this link, you will be able to see signs for whole words. This makes it quicker and easier for a deaf person to understand what you are trying to say. You could practise some whole words too. https://www.british-sign.co.uk/british-sign-language/dictionary/
Finally to our last item of class 2 home school learning. For the next two days every class will be posting the same activities so that your family and can all celebrate World Book Day together. So I am going to leave you with a story, one that is really relevant to this pandemic as it is the story of Sir Tom Moore called One Hundred Steps. I hope you enjoy it class 2. I will post the last of our celebration photos over the weekend before I see you all on Monday, Mrs P x
Remember to look at the class two blog tomorrow and Friday to see what Mrs Altoft has planned for us all to celebrate World Book Day.