Class 2 have started this half-term with real energy and focus. Yesterday the children enjoyed learning about old toys from different decades as part of their ‘changes in living memory’ history theme. We also linked this to our science work on materials by investigating what materials the different toys were made from.

Class 2 have also been making excellent progress with their daily Quick Start maths. Here is yesterday’s where we started to recap inequalities from the Autumn term and work on challenge questions relating to fractions.

We also started a new writing genre and will be looking at recounts in the form of diaries. We read a very funny book yesterday called The Diary of a Wombat’. Yesterday we used it to identify and write our own first person past tense sentences and today we extended our sentences by recapping on using different conjunctions. Yesterday we also had a quick game of Two Truths and a Fib to practise our past tense sentence work. These were mine:
I swam with sharks.
I have made a music CD and published it for sale.
I have climbed Ben Nevis.
Which one do you think was my fib?