Class 2 had a very busy week as usual last week. They completed some excellent Remembrance Poetry and artwork that is now proudly displayed in the corridor for everyone to see. Our week culminated in our Remembrance Service held around the war memorial in our school grounds. Many parents and grandparents joined us and it was a moving service as usual.

In maths, class 2 have been working on using number lines for subtraction. They are getting much better at counting forwards and backwards in ones to help with this and also using their knowledge of number bonds.

We have been working hard on practising our KS1 Christmas performance and it was very exciting to see that the stage had gone up in the hall on Friday. it will make our rehearsals this week much easier. We have also been working on adding actions to our Christmas songs for the performance and we are practising these as much as possible too.

In PE we combined our maths and science skills to investigate ‘What surface does a basket ball bounce best on?’ In pairs, the children consolidated their controlled ball bouncing skills from previous lessons. Next they visited different areas of the school grounds to bounce the ball on grass, mud, wood, tarmac and the track. They used a metre ruler to measure how high the basketball bounced back up when they dropped it from waist height. After predicting which surface would produce the best bounce, they recorded their results in a table. We also looked at different material such as metal and plastic and discussed how well a ball would bounce on these surfaces too.

This week we will be focusing on the spelling pattern for the /shun/ sound at the end of words spelt ‘tion’. All of the pupils have encountered this spelling already in their Read, Write Inc groups but this week we will be revisiting it as a whole class and making sure we apply this spelling to independent writing. We will also have a word hunt – looking for examples of ‘tion’ words for our word wall.

Homework for this week is to continue practising reading, particularly being able to clearly read the lines for the Christmas performance and learning them off by heart where possible. Please also have a look at examples for this week’s spelling pattern although it is not necessary to learn these particular words off by heart, just be able to recognise the pattern.

We have an exciting visitor coming into school on Wednesday morning – the RNLI will be visiting KS1 to talk about their work and water safety. This links to the historical work we are doing on Grace Darling. Of course on Friday we will also be completing activities relating to Children In Need and wearing non-uniform to help raise money.



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