Last week we focused on creating some excellent Bonfire Night poetry and the children really did produce some outstanding work with so many powerful adjectives and verbs to describe the fireworks. Popping, whistling, fizzing, banging, squealing, sparkling and twinkling were just some of the fantastic vocabulary that they came up with. They also used oil pastels on black paper to create some stunning firework art too.

In maths we have been continuing with addition and subtraction. In some lessons we work totally practically using manipulatives such as numicon, base ten, multilink and counters, and in other lessons we record work in our maths books using numberlines and 100 squares to support or manipulatives again. Knowledge of number bonds to 10 and 20 and the fact families for these numbers really helps support children with their learning.

In geography we linked our work to science. We looked at hot and cold countries and identifying different climates across the world and the animals that live there. Next week in science we will extend this learning to look at how animals are adapted to the habitat that they live in.

There was great excitement on Friday when the children got their parts for the KS1 Christmas performance. Rehearsals begin next week! With this in mind our homework will have a reading focus. Please practise reading your lines for the performance and ask an adult to help you with any tricky words. When you can read your lines clearly, start to learn them off by heart like a real actor does! The words for the songs in the performance will be added to Seesaw too so that you can start to read and learn those. If we are able to add the music too, we will do. Can you also make sure you are reading your school reading books to an adult as much as possible and get your reading log signed? Can you read at least three times this week? Remember you also have access to Oxford Owl online reading library where you can read a range of different books. If you are in a Read, Write Inc group at school, you will also have an online reading book and quiz assigned to you that you could challenge yourself to read.

Our spelling work this week relates to apostrophes for contraction. This will also form part of our grammar work in English this week too.


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