Well this half-term is certainly flying by! Class 2 have fully settled back into their routines and are producing some excellent work. There is so much enthusiasm for lessons that is amazing to see. In English we are continuing the dragon theme but we have moved onto instructions. This week the pupils are following and then evaluating instructions and next week will see them start to write instructions for their own imaginary dragon machine. We are really looking forward to see what they come up with. Parents – you might find yourselves involved in junk modelling over the half-term break as so many of the children have said they might like to have a go at following their instructions to make their dragon machine!

In maths we have been continuing our work on multiplication and division. Please support with this wherever possible to help the children become confident with having quick recall of the 2x, 5x and 10 times table. TT Rock Stars is a great fun way to practise times tables too. Every day at the beginning of the maths lesson, every class completes a Quick Start activity to help consolidate current learning and recap learning already completed. On our year 2 Quick Starts there is always a times table grid to be completed. There are resources around the classroom to support with this but we are really keen for pupils to have quick independent recall of these tables where possible. Here is an example of what one of our daily Quick Starts looks like.

Also this week, class 2 have had the opportunity to undertake scooter safety training. Lots of our local children like to ‘scoot to school’ and so it is an important life skill that they learn how to do this safely. They had lots of fun during their scooter session.

We have been really impressed yet again by the number of children logging onto TT Rock Stars. A number of certificates are given out in Special Mentions assembly each week to recognize progress. We would love to be giving everyone in class 2 a certificate so get logging on and start nailing those times tables! Don’t forget, the more practise you do, the easier your tables become! One day, you could even be challenging Mr Mallison to a battle!

Here are the results for this week:

FS – 100%

C1 – 89%

C2 – 55%

C3 – 97%

C4 – 92%

C5 – 91%

This half term, the children are comparing and contrasting seaside holidays from different periods of the past. As part of this unit, we look at how seaside holidays have changed over time and what they look like now. We also consider how seaside holidays abroad may be similar/different to British seaside holidays.

For homework, this week, we would love it if you could collect together any recent seaside holiday photos that you have, and send them into school in a named wallet/envelope, for the children to look at next Thursday (you could also email to me, if you’d prefer at joplinn@brandesburton.eriding.net). It would be even better if in pencil you could indicated where the photograph was taken. These photos can be a day out in Bridlington or two weeks in Spain, both are just as great!

This week’s spelling pattern is the /l/ or /ɘl/ sound spelt -el at the end of words. here is a list of example words that follow that pattern. There is an optional quiz to complete online on Purple Mash in the class 2do section and a practice sheet can be downloaded from there and printed if you want to. The spelling sheets and quizzes from previous weeks of the Spring term can be found there too. The children practise their spellings daily at morning registration time as well as have dedicated spelling lessons. How is everyone getting on with practising their year 1 and year 2 common exception word spellings and colouring in their fish? Do upload them to Seesaw as we would love to see them.

Friday round up 26.01.24

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