I’ve been missing all the stories we used to share together on the carpet so I thought I’d have a go at reading one and posting it for you to share. i think I need a bit of practice at…
Jack and the Beanstalk
Our English work is going to focus on the story Jack and the Beanstalk as this links to our overall theme. Can you read the story and discuss with an adult any vocabulary that you don’t understand. There will be…
Summer P.E.
If you can,the best exercise is to get out in the fresh air and go for a daily walk, bike ride or scooter ride. If this isn’t possible you might be able to create your own obstacle course in the…
How does your garden grow…..
So today sees the launch of our Key Stage One summer theme. I do hope you will like it and will have lots of fun. We would like to start by encouraging you to start growing something for yourself but…
Easter work
Thanks for all the work you completed over the holidays including all the work on Purple Mash which is now on display on the class 2 Purple Mash display board. Here are some of the photos that you have sent…
Phonics group work
Please feel free to try some of the year 2 spelling programme work on the other blog post but there will also be a separate Monday blog post just for phonics if you were part of Miss Brunskil’s daily phonics…
Time capsule ideas
I can’t claim responsibility for the attached resources but I do think they have been sensitively prepared for the unprecedented situation we find ourselves in and might be a great way to get back into learning for the summer term.…
Summer spelling week 1 – year 2 spelling programme
Welcome to class 2’s weekly spelling programme. (Phonics for Miss Brunskil’s group will be posted separately). I will try to replicate what we would normally do in the classroom as far as possible. Each week there will be a powerpoint…
The summer term is here!
Hi everyone and welcome to the summer learning for class 2. I hope you all enjoyed Easter as best you could and enjoyed some Easter treats. I have eaten lots of Kit Kat Easter bunnies! Thank-you for all of the…
Purple Mash Work
So much fab work still coming in, especially completed Purple Mash tasks. Please check the Purple Mash display board for class 2 so that you can see your work and your friends’ work. Why not design a picture and put…