Welcome back everybody to the summer term in class 2. After a lovely Easter break, the children came back excited to see everyone and very enthusiastic to continue their learning on the theme of ‘Everywhere around us’. Already this week…
Class 2 01.04.22
Class 2 have been busy consolidating their knowledge of 3D shape this week with a range of practical, engaging activities. They have also designed, made and evaluated dragon hand-puppets which they are patiently waiting to be allowed to take home!…
Class 2 weekly round up
Last week we welcomed two students to class two, Mrs Hilton and Mr Tucker. They will be with us for a number of weeks and we are very pleased to be able to support them on their teaching journey. They…
British Science Week
Class 2 have thoroughly enjoyed participating in British Science Week this week and have thrown themselves wholeheartedly into all activities. I have really enjoyed seeing the children posting on Seesaw that they have been reading lots of STEM based books…
Class 2 has been a hive of activity
On Tuesday we have a visit from Gil at Bonanza Creative. She provided a whole morning workshop on the danger of carbon monoxide. Although this was a serious subject, it was approached in a way that fully engaged the children…
Welcome Back
Class 2 have started this half-term with real energy and focus. Yesterday the children enjoyed learning about old toys from different decades as part of their ‘changes in living memory’ history theme. We also linked this to our science work…
Busy, busy busy in class 2
Class 2 have had a super week getting busy with everything from a senses poetry learning walk to safer internet activities to gymnastics to conducting surveys with other classes for our maths statistics work. We are also working towards finishing…
Coding in class 2
This week we started our computing work on coding. As we have been looking at the story of the Three Little Pigs in English and science we decided to see if we could programme the Bee Bot to be the…
Such a busy week!
Class 2 have had yet another extraordinarily busy week and have been busy completing reading challenges and TT Rockstars challenges again. The children have been watching the golden beans mount up in our jar as evidence of just how hard…
Science in class 2
We are enjoying our current unit on materials and their properties. Class 2 have completed a scavenger hunt around the classroom looking for objects made of different materials. They were able to discuss objects that could be made of more…