Wow class 2, just wow!! You certainly are amazing and so talented. I have literally 100’s of pieces of work uploaded through Seesaw to choose from now which is absolutely outstanding but it makes it so hard to choose just a few to post on the blog. Here are the edited highlights from yesterday and they include a fantastic video blurb!

Good morning class 2. Today on the blog we have the following:

English – diving deeper into the video story of Taking Flight

Maths – A maths game and a maths investigation into odd and even numbers

Computing – Coding work using Bee-bots

R.E. Kindness and friendships

Remember to look on the 2do section of Purple Mash if you would like to complete any additional activities. I can see lots of you have designed space rockets and I will post some pictures of them tomorrow. if you didn’t try the spelling quiz yesterday, that is there too.

English: Did you enjoy watching the video yesterday? The little boy experiences lots of different feelings and emotions throughout this film.

Think about what happens to the boy through the story, how that makes him feel then how those feelings change. Keep pausing the film as you watch it to record the changes in his feelings. (view the video from yesterday’s blog post).

Draw / make a feelings graph to show the how boy’s feelings change throughout the story. Here are a few examples you could use to give you an idea. Templates are on Seesaw.

Spelling: I have added a spelling quiz on /ee/ sound words to Purple Mash 2do.

Maths: You have really been getting the hang of odds and evens. Remember if you are still unsure, visit the BBC Bitesize link given on Monday. Here it is again.

Here’s a game you can play with an adult or an older sibling.

To finish our maths for today here is an investigation for you. You might like to practise or write down the answers to the 2x, 5x and 10x tables first. (Can you do it in your head? Think of our hanging socks in the classroom for 2s, our hands display for 5s and our snake for 10s). You can always visit here first to practise: When you are ready, move onto the task below. (Template on seesaw).

Computing: Today we are going to recap on out work on coding that we did before Christmas with the Bee-bots. Remember when we all went on the hall with the Bee-bots and the big floor mats? We had some really fun coding/maths lessons that also helped us learn about position and direction. Can you help Bee-bot find his way around the zoo? If you are in school you could also use the Bee-Bot app on the i-pads. This app is also free to download BUT an adult must agree and do that for you and you don’t need to have it.

R.E. We are going to look at a short series of R.E. lessons on the theme of friendships and kindness before we start our planned R.E.theme for this term. This is the first video lesson of the series. I thought friendships and kindness would be a good theme to revisit during lockdown. Click the link to access the lesson. This is a new way of working. Pause the video as many times as you need to, to think about the information and complete any activities.

Home learning 14.01.21

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