Morning everyone and welcome to fun Friday. Here’s what’s on the timetable today:

English: catch-up time then listening to a story and completing a book review

Maths: problem solving

PE: Joe Wicks, brain break and dance lesson one.

Art: Watch CBBC live at 11.05 for Art Ninja – Day of the World Trip.

Purple Mash 2do: range of activities

Now get ready to see lots of fantastic work including some of your optional space work activities on Purple Mash.

Well you voted and the votes are in! Brain break for this Friday is ‘What does the fox say?’ Remember to join in straight after Joe Wicks P.E (if you are doing it) at 9.30am and we will all be doing it together. If you can get someone to video you using the Seesaw video tool or even a phone or tablet I will try to upload some to the blog next week. Don’t forget to look at today’s Seesaw note and reply with what brain break you want for next week. You can also make suggestions too. Email me if you would prefer to do it that way.

The choices are:

  1. Koo Koo Kanga Roo
  2. Dino Stomp
  3. Mario Bros

English: We will be returning to our work on Taking Flight next week but for today I would like you to do two things. Firstly scroll back through the blog posts and see if there is any of the English work that you haven’t had a go at yet and do that. Secondly as it’s Friday I am going to read you a story and I would like you to do a book review. There is a book review template on Seesaw and a template that just has the book cover image on or you can record your thoughts in your own way and upload a photo of what you have done.

Maths: We have completed our work on odd and even numbers and you have been fantastic at it. There are a couple of completely different maths puzzles for you to tackle today. Template on Seesaw for the first one if you want to use it.

Simplify the task: use 16 pieces of lego or pasta or other small items and do the task practically

Challenge: Can you create a similar puzzle with 20 bricks. Don’t forget to test it out to make sure it works!

For your next maths task you will need three pairs of socks. It doesn’t matter if they have holes in but three totally different pairs are needed rather than 3 black pairs for example. If you are working in school ask an adult to get you some socks from the counting in 2s display hung up in class 2. Off you go and get! I’ll wait here….

OK if you’ve got your socks, here’s your puzzle.

P.E. I know we have some excellent dancers in class 2, so if you enjoyed today’s brain break dance, now is your chance to start to build up your dance skills.

That’s it, I hope you have a lovely weekend and don’t forget to keep in touch, upload your work and let me know what you have been up to. Check the blog next Monday to see what’s in store and don’t forget Joe Wicks P.E. pam Monday if you want to join in. Mrs P x

Home learning 15.01.21 Fun Friday!

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