Class 2 really took on board Miss Northen’s reading challenge this week. Everyone was aiming to improve the amount of times they read and also aim to read five times or more. I have had so many excellent video clips…
Spring term 2022
All of class 2 have settled back in to school so well, I am really proud of them! We have been focussing on independence and resilience, which this week has meant taking more responsibility for checking their own work and…
And just like that the Autumn term was over!
Well class two, we certainly had a very busy term filled with activities and learning! I really enjoyed our Christmas performance and feel very happy that we were able to perform it. You all did absolutely brilliantly! Of course we…
Investigating and observation skills in science
Last week class 2 were challenged to investigate ‘what habitat do woodlice live in and why?‘ We visited our school wildlife garden and the children investigated different areas and completed a tally chart of how many woodlice they found. Their…
Money week
During our recent money week, class 2 set up a toy shop in the classroom in order to practise buying and selling toys and giving the correct change. They also had lots of fun! They also had lots of opportunities…
Children in need
Class 2 were very excited to be able to come to school in their own clothes in return for a donation to Children in Need. Throughout the day we took part in some Pudsey themed activities including Pudsey bingo and…
Art Week
The whole school took part in Art Week, kindly organised by our art lead, Mr Mallison. The focus was on use of colour, particularly to express emotions and feelings. Class 2 created colour wheel collages after revisiting what are primary…
Design technology
Class 2 had great fun bringing their designs for their African huts to life. We looks at lots of examples of different housing in Kenyan towns and villages and compared the construction and materials with the houses that we live…
Our class book
We have been reading a chapter book called ‘The boy who grew dragons’ by Andy Shepherd. In the story, the young boy, Tomas, takes a dragon fruit into his house and it hatches and produces a real dragon! Class 2…
The new school year has started!
Hello everyone. It seems amazing that we are nearly into out third week of term already, the time has been flying by. Class 2 are already settling into new routines and have been superstars. We have been focussing on being…