Here’s the next installment of the cricket skills video clips. This week is your chance to learn how to be a ferocious fielder Here’s a game that you might like to play, you will need permission from an adult and…
Great Science Share
Exciting news! Brandesburton Primary School are taking part in the national Great Science Share project. As well as weekly themes that are being publicised on the Great British Science Share website, they are looking for young people and their families…
Summer phonics week 5
This week’s phonic focus is on identifying and using alternate spellings for the long ‘e’ sound – ee, ea, e-e, ey . You can also access FREE activities on phonics play at the moment with the login march20 and the…
Summer learning week 5
Hi everyone, I hope that you has a good weekend in the sun. Lots of you were very busy at the end of last week so here’s some of your work. well done to Lara and Evie who have been…
Fun Friday
How did you get on with making the Brownies? If you haven’t had chance yet, you could have a go over the weekend. Let me know if you have made the wind chime and as ever, send me lots of…
Let’s get creative
You have lots of English and science work to be getting on with so today I am just going to add some practical activities. First of all there is a recipe for some yummy brownies. They are gluten-free but you…
Wonderful Wednesday!
We have done lots and lots of nature work in science over the last few weeks and we’re not finished yet! We are going to make use of the great weather we have been having to continue our outdoor learning.…
Terrific Tuesday
P.E. Here is the fourth in the cricket series. If you’ve followed them all so far you should be quite skillful by now. I can’t wait to see what you have learnt. For something different, why not try Cosmic Kids…
VE Day celebrations
Well done class 2, there was definitely lots of celebrating going on over the weekend. I have received lots of fantastic photos of bunting, baking and activities from the blog. Have a look at these wonderful memories of the 75th…
Summer week 4
Hello everyone, I hope you had a great bank holiday. How many of the VE activities did you do? Please email me some pictures and I will share them later. We had great fun having an afternoon tea at the…