I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and got to spend some time outside in the fresh air. Hopefully we will have plenty more sunshine to come. We will hopefully get to take our learning outside as much…
Weekly round up and homework w/c 27.03.23
Last week saw class 2 start to design and make their moon buggies. They considered what materials a moon buggy should be made out of and how robust it needed to be to travel over rough terrain. This week we…
Weekly round up and homework w/c 20.03.23
What an amazing week we had last week! As it was British Science Week, we crammed in as much science as we could including doing some fun things that we don’t usually get to do. We started the week by…
Weekly round up w/c13.03.23
Last week we had our excellent Carbon Monoxide awareness workshop which all of the children engaged in enthusiastically. The children learnt lots of important facts about carbon monoxide and safety in the home whilst participating in lots of acting, chanting…
Weekly round up and homework w/c 06.03.23
This week we celebrated World Book Day with everyone coming to school in onesies or pyjamas so they could snuggle down for a story at the end of the day. They all look part in a range of activities including…
Weekly round up and homework for w/c 27.02.23
We have had an amazing start to the second part of the Spring term. The children have come back so keen to learn and with so much enthusiasm. We have started our Senses poetry unit and the class have already…
Homework for w/c 20/02/23
Welcome back to the second part of the Spring term. This year really is going to fast. it is lovely to have slightly lighter nights though and to see the bluebells, snowdrops and daffodils appear to brighten things up. With…
Weekly round up and homework 06.02.23
Everyone has been working really hard on their story planning for their alternative three little pigs stories: watch out for…. the three little monkeys and the big bad gorilla, the three little salmon and the big bad shark and the…
Weekly round up and homework for w/c 30/01/23
Well of course the highlight of the week has been the KS1 trip to Magna. The children were so enthusiastic and so well-behaved. There were several other schools there at the same time and I can definitely say our children…
Weekly round up and homework for w/c 23/01/23
This week has ben full of exciting English work as class two returned from their breaktime to find that the chairs were all upside down! The children had to compose persuasive letters to the chairs to apologise for not looking…