Wow this half-term has really flown past. Before we know it, class 2 will be in their last half-term of year 2 and will be starting to get ready to ”go through the arch’ as we call it, into year 3. Before that though there will be an action packed few weeks with our SATs, sports week, design technology week, our school trip to Wassand Hall and hopefully a further trip linked to our geography work on bridges. What this space for details of that one!
Here is a brief run down of dates that are confirmed:
Wednesday 5th June: KS1 trip to Wassand Hall for a day of art doodling, treasure hunting, wood walking and gathering inspiration for our new poetry writing unit. Please let us know if you can volunteer to help out for the day or can offer a spare seat in your car to another pupil.
W/c Monday 10th June: Year 2 SATs week. Tests in maths, reading, spelling and grammar.
W/c Monday 24th June: Sports week with our annual Sports Day afternoon events to be held on Thursday 27th June weather permitting.
This week we have been continuing with our sculpture work in art. The children have practised all the techniques they need to make their clay tile and have completed their designs. They are now working on constructing their tile and applying their bridge, train or railway design to it. We have had so much fun with it this week and the children have been really motivated to produce their best work. Do ask your child what the ‘4s’ stands for as it is a critical technique in their work!

Also this week, we were treated to an outstanding performance from the KS2 children who attend drama club with Miss Lisa. They really worked their socks off to perform their version of a twist on The Greatest Showman with amazing acting, singing and dancing. They really are a talented bunch of pupils and so brave to stand up and perform in front of the whole school.
This week there will be another grammar exercise for homework which will be set on Seesaw. It will focus on the use of commas in a list as this was one of the questions that quite a few children struggled with in our recent practice tests. Thank-you to all parents who helped with submitting last week’s homework on word classification. This extra practice at home really does support learning enormously. Please also listen to your child read as much as possible over the holiday to help with fluency, reading stamina for longer texts, comprehension and expression. Well done to everyone who got 3 reads or more this week as our class percentage is up to 85% which made us the second highest class. We’d like to be first though!
We all hope you have a lovely half-term break and fingers crossed for some lovely weather so we can get outside and enjoy the fresh air. We will see you back on Tuesday 4th June as Monday 3rd June is a training day and school is closed to pupils.