Friday round up 01.12.23

This week has been a busy one! As well as finishing our literacy unit and copying up our final story settings, we have also been learning new methods for adding two 2 digit numbers in maths, drawing Brandesburton maps in Geography and practising for the play! As well as all of these things, they still managed to apply their computing skills in making dinosaur leaflets and then learning about world habitats and how animals are adapted to where they live! All of the children will need a good rest this weekend as they have all worked so hard!

Play rehearsals

Thank you so much parents for helping the children to learn their scripts at home. The play is really coming along and the children are all able to recall their lines, without their scripts!
We are beginning to put some actions to the songs and even getting some of the props together. We can’t wait to perform our show to you in a few week time!


We had another small improvement in our reading scores again this week with 81% of us reading three times or more at home! One class this week managed to get 100% of pupils reading this frequently. Let’s work our socks off next week to see if class 2 can be top of the leader board!

School Visitors!

We are very excited to welcome ‘Ladies in Pigs’ to Key Stage One next week. The ladies specialise in education and promotion of the British food and farming industry. This event will link our recently completed geography work to the food technology unit we will soon be starting. We can’t wait to see which tasty recipe they will be cooking with the children. They are a not for profit organisation and you can learn more about their work here


The children have all taken home a copy of their spelling words this week. They are focusing on words ending with ‘tion’.

Friday round up 24.11.23

Everyone has made an excellent start on their descriptions of an imaginary setting this week, based on the Imagination scene from Charlie and the Chocolate factory. The children started by designing their own amazing Candyland settings and there was so much discussion about fluffy soft candy cotton clouds, scrumptious chocolate waterfalls and sticky lollipop trees! We can’t wait to see what they add to their descriptions.

In maths we have been working on adding and subtracting ten and will be moving onto 2-digit number additions and subtractions. There are still quite a lot of children who can’t recall their number bonds to ten and this has made some of their daily mental maths work quite tricky as they really need to be able to apply this knowledge to learning number bonds to 20 which is a year 2 objective. Please help your child to practise as much as possible. Some extra number bond activities have been added to Purple Mash to support with this and the Hit the Button activity on Topmarks is great for number bonds and other mental maths activities, . We won’t be activating TT Rockstars until the Spring term to coincide with us starting our multiplication and division block in our maths lessons.

We are in full swing for Christmas play rehearsals and you are in for a treat! The stage will be going up on Friday and the children are excited about becoming proper actors and delivering their lines. Next week we are going to be encouraging the children to say their lines without a script so they can concentrate on their stage positioning and acting. We will of course prompt where necessary. With this in mind, reading and learning lines is once again the class homework for this week. Your support with this is very much appreciated.

Our spelling pattern for next week will be learning about contractions. This is when two words are joined to make one shorter word, like when ‘is not‘ becomes ‘isn’t‘. This will mean the children being introduced to another piece of punctuation – the apostrophe. Here is our spelling list of common contractions that we will focus most closely on.


This week in Geography, the children thoroughly enjoyed going on a walk of the village, looking for human and physical features of the environment. It was wonderful to see how many features they spotted and to hear Mr Mallison explain how the village has changed over time. Thank you so much to all of the volunteers who came to support Class 1 and Class 2. You were amazing road monitors!


This week our home-reading score was very similar to last week at 75%. Miss Northen has set the whole school a challenge for next week…the classes which all have 100% of pupils reading 3 times or more will get a super treat the following week! Can we possibly be one of those super classes?!?

Friday round up 17.11.23

Class 2 have moved on from creating their excellent Remembrance poetry last week to a new writing unit on familiar settings. As we are lucky enough to be so very near to the coast, the children are writing descriptive pieces about the seaside. They really enjoyed listening to the humorous story of The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch which engaged their interest and helped them to focus on what they might see, hear, smell, feel and taste at the seaside.

In computing the children have completed their e-leaflets explaining what the internet is and describing things such as browser, website and search engine to show their understanding. In science they played a fun game picking different cards describing an animal, plant or tree and then they had to match it to a coastal, woodland, pond or urban habitat. They were all excellent at this! They then had a copy of a map of East Yorkshire and marked the different habitat areas on it.

The big excitement this week is that Key Stage One have started their Christmas Play! Parts have been allocated, songs are being practiced and dances will soon be prepared. Thank-you in advance for your support with practising lines, it is really appreciated. A big thanks also to everyone who came to our Championing Reading morning on Wednesday. It was lovely to see everyone and to showcase just how much our pupils enjoy reading and how much progress they are making.


Please practise your lines for the play and continue to read through the song words too. This week’s spelling pattern example word list is below for you to practise too. We will be looking at suffixes – groups of letters added to the end of a work to make a new word, for example enjoy+ment = enjoyment,

In P.E. this week, the children loved creating interesting shapes with their bodies to display their stretching and balancing skills. After learning how to carefully carry the mats around the room in a safe way, the children had to work in pairs to create balances with 1, 2, 3 or 4 body parts touching the floor. This is what some of them came up with!


Our home-reading score dipped slightly this week. 74% of class 2 read three time or more.

Please do your best to read three times every week, it really does help us in all areas of our learning!

Friday round up 10.11.23

Well our first week back has certainly been busy! We were very excited to have a visit from a children’s author, Elizabeth Green. She very kindly came to talk to children not only in our class but also in EYFS, class 1 and class 3. The children were very interested to hear that she wrote her first book when she was only fourteen although it wasn’t published until last year! Elizabeth also explained about how she used to use a typewriter to write her stories. This confused some of the children so we had a quick google to show them all a picture of what a typewriter is and they all thought it would be quite fun to use one. Elizabeth also talked about books she loved as a child and was very interested to hear about class 2’s favourite books. There was also time for a quick question and answer session and class 2 were as SUPERB as ever at asking questions!

We also started a short poetry block this week focusing on the significance of Remembrance Day. We have read some really emotive poetry with some quite tricky language in them but the children were so respectful of the underlying messages. Look out for some of the neat copies of the children’s own poems being posted on Seesaw. To compliment their poetry, the children have also painted poppies and mounted them on a background of a collage of war photos which have made them visually very effective.

It is also time for us to start rehearsals for the Key Stage One Christmas play and scripts and song words will be sent home very shortly. The songs are sounding fantastic already. Homework for this week, in addition to our spelling work, is to read through the song words (and any script words that you are given on Monday) and to make sure you understand them.


This week’s spelling pattern is the ‘er’ sound spelt /or/ after w and the ‘or’ sound spelt /ar/ after w. Please read through the words. You could also have a go at spelling them or putting them into sentences.


We are really please to see our home-reading score soar again this week! Thank you so much to the 94% of class 2, who read three times or more over the last week! Please keep it up for next week! We could even aim for the stars…let’s go for 100%!

First Special Mention Assembly with parents

It was great to see a few familiar faces attend our Special Mention Assembly which took place on Friday. If your child brings home a Special Mention certificate/invite on a Thursday evening, we would love to see you attend the Friday assembly. It starts at 2.45!

Remembrance day

Thank you to all of the parents and carers who were able to attend the Remembrance Service this week. The children sang really beautifully and the speakers performed brilliantly. It was a great opportunity for us all to remember our heroes!

Happy half term!

What a half term we have had in Class 2! The children have all settled really well and are beginning to make excellent progress!

Art week!

We have thoroughly enjoyed getting stuck into our drawing and painting unit this week! We began by taking inspiration from the world around us and created some landscape drawings. We then practised a number of different drawing techniques, including using tone and different media, before completing a final landscape drawing.

In the second half of the unit, we experimented with water colour paint. We recapped our knowledge of making secondary colours before exploring colouring mixing, to create tone and texture!

Have a look at some of the final paintings we created!


This week for homework, we would love to see the children practising the skills that they have learned this week in our art lessons. Therefore, we would love to see their best landscape drawings or paintings. This could be a drawing or painting from real life or a copy of one found in a magazine or on the internet! Remember to try to include tone, blending, lines of different thicknesses and texture! Please post your progress pictures, or final pieces, for us to see on Seesaw!

Reading scores

This week, as a class, 75% of us read three times or more! This might have been higher but a few of us forgot to return our reading journals! Please try to bring them into school every day so we can get those great scores in the future!


This half term there is lots of fun to be had with Halloween and Bonfire Night. Please make sure you all keep yourselves safe! Be Bright, Be Seen!!!!

Hope you all have lots of fun and we can’t wait to see you back, after the break!

Mrs Platten and Mrs Joplin x

Friday round up 20.10.23

What a fantastically busy week we have had once again in class 2! As well as all of our regular lessons, we have also participated in Be Bright Be Seen Day and Bonanza Creative’s carbon monoxide workshop. Both of these initiatives have been really useful in promoting safety awareness in different situations for our pupils as well as being really fun too. Thank-you for all of the fantastic homework responses that have been coming in on Seesaw, it really does help support and consolidate learning. Next week we will be undertaking our art unit so watch out for class 2’s very own art gallery!


As class 2 are completing their recount work in English this week, they are becoming experts at recount writing! In your homework book, can you write a recount on something that you do this week. This could be a trip to the park, a night at Beavers, sports events that you have watched or participated in or it could even jut be ‘my Saturday’ where you write about the things you did from getting up to going to bed.

Can you remember the following things in your recount and check your own work to make sure you have included them.

Capital letters and full stops

Past tense verbs written correctly

Time connectives

Events in time order

Noun expansion (adjectives) to add detail to make your work interesting

Correct letter formation and finger spaces

We will really look forward to reading all of your recounts.

This week’s spelling pattern is the sound /o/ represented by the letter ‘a’ after ‘w’ and ‘qu’. Read through these examples and think about the pattern you will need to follow to be able to spell words like these in your independent writing.

Reading record results

This week the children have worked really hard to improve their reading scores at home. As a result, 85% have managed to read three times or more in the last week. This is a great improvement on last week’s score of 75%. Big well done!

Farming fun!

This week, we completed our history unit on farming over the past 100 years. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about how farming equipment has changed and what impact it has had on farming. As a treat this afternoon, we had a good look through some old documents and photos which tell part of the story of Brandesburton Primary School. The children took great pleasure trying to spot relatives! Can you spot anyone you know in the old photos?

Friday round up 13.10.23

Class 2 have been working so hard on completing their place value maths unit. This week they have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and then in 3s! Getting the hang of following the pattern for 3’s was quite tricky but everyone persevered so well done class 2, we are really proud of you.

In English, everyone has been enthusiastically working on turning their amazing farm visits from last week into exciting recounts. They have been learning about writing in the past tense and using -ed verb endings, adding time connectives to their sentences and using lots of fab noun expansion. We can’t wait to showcase their brilliant work. Watch this space!

On Tuesday it was World Mental Health Day. After a thought provoking assembly, class 2 were encouraged to share different things they could do to make themselves feel better or relax. They certainly had some great ideas including cuddles with family, stroking their puppy, going on a bike ride, playing with friends, drawing, playing outside, going for a walk and eating pizza! You can see some of their brilliant work below.


We would like you to consolidate your work on counting on in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s. We started at zero but then progressed to starting at any number in the 2, 5 or 10 times table up to 100. We would like you to do some extra practice on this at home before we move on next week to our addition and subtraction unit. You can use your Purple Mash logon at home to go onto the 2do section and find the following activities

Or, you can try the Topmarks paint the squares activity at the following link.

You could also try these problem solving sheets. They will also be on Seesaw so you can write over the template or write the answers in your homework book and upload a photograph. Challenge yourself top see how much of the worksheet you can complete.


This week’s spelling at from the Year 2 common exception words list. Please read through the spellings below and practise them and think carefully about the pattern. Could you think of a sentence that uses all ten spelling words? Upload your work to Seesaw if you can. There will also be the spelling quiz on the Purple Mash 2dos if you would like to try it, although we will do the quiz in school as well.

Friday round up 06.10.23

In English, we have finished our character description work and we have moved onto a new genre – recounts. This week we are learning all about what a recount looks like and we have been using a checklist to identify features of different recounts. Eventually the children will be writing recounts about their Key Stage One visit to different farms, linked to our geography curriculum.

We had a fab time utilising our school wildlife garden for our science lesson this week. We were investigating local habitats and minibeasts. The children spotted slugs, wood lice, snails, spiders as well as lots of plants, trees, shrubs and bushes that haven’t started to die down after the Summer yet. When we got back into the classroom, the children were able to use their drawing and colouring skills to map out the wildlife garden.


This week, the children have received a paper copy of their homework, which they can work on and stick in their homework books! It would be great to see the work they achieve, uploaded to Seesaw.

Big well done for reading this week!

Class 2 were delighted to see their reading score rise from 50% last week to 90% this week. What an improvement!

There is currently a battle for the first class to reach 100% of children home reading, 3 times or more, on 3 consecutive occasions! Can Class 2 join the race next week?!

The farm!

We can’t say a big enough thank you to the 3 families who hosted our farm visits this week. The children had the most amazing time and learned so much. Here are just a few of the photos we took!

Friday round up 29.09.23

We have had lots of photos uploaded to Seesaw showing you reading in your favourite places. You can see some of the photos below. Remember you need your school reading book and log in school EVERY day and the aim is to get three reading signatures each week. Our class percentage for achieving this was quite low compared to other classes in the school last week, hopefully this week it will be better.
This week we enjoyed our PE lesson on Monday when we had the second session of handball. Everyone tried really hard with their throwing, catching and ball control skills. I was also impressed that we are getting quicker at logging onto Purple Mash on the Chrome Books. You should all have a Purple Mash login stuck in the front of your reading logs now so that you can access Purple Mash activities at home. Please try to practise logging on with your username and password so that you will become even speedier! If you can’t access Purple Mash on a device at home, you could still practise your login details by copying them out into your homework book.


Earlier this week when we started reading our class book ‘The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me’ by Roald Dahl, it mentioned a sweet shop known as a Grubber. We started discussing what our favourite sweets are and what sweets we would sell if we owned a sweet shop. (My favourites were fizzy cola bottles and absolutely ANYTHING chocolatey!) Lots of you wanted to share your ideas and didn’t get chance, so for homework, can you write in your homework book what your favourite sweets are and why? Maybe you could ask mum, dad or your grandparents what their favourites are and write about them too? We would love to see a picture and lots of amazing adjectives to describe the sweets. Do remember to use capital letters and full stops carefully and check your work. Please upload a photo of your work to Seesaw.

Your spelling words for this week are the same as last week in order to consolidate our work on homophones. We will be practising this spelling pattern in school and we will also complete the Purple Mash spelling quiz as part of Monday’s computing lesson. Here’s a reminder of the spelling examples from last week, can you find any more? How are you going to practise your spellings? Are you going to read them aloud or maybe voice record them for Seesaw? Can you write the spelling words in rainbow shapes, bubble writing or even spiky writing? Could you play hangman with your spelling words with another member of your family? Look below to find out who was doing lots of practising last week and some ideas for making spelling practice fun!

Big Thank you!

Thank you to all of the parents and carers that came to join us today for our library reading session. If you couldn’t make it this week but would like to join us next week, we would love to see you at 3pm.

Home reading scores

This week we were below our reading target with only 50% of the class reading 3 times or more at home. Please, Please, Please do your best to read 3 times or more this week as we would love to be nearer the top of the reading record chart!

Friday round up 22.09.23

This week we enjoyed our computing lesson and we are now much quicker at logging on so we can spend longer on the activities. On Tuesday in science we had a great lesson consolidating our work on ‘dead, alive or never alive’ and we collected leaves to stick in our science books. We wrote about the differences between the leaves.

Key Stage One also had a fantastic farm visit on Thursday. Luckily the weather held and the pupils had a brilliant tour. They were able to obtain answers to many of the questions they had generated in their previous lesson. Many thanks to the Richardson family for facilitating this. Next week has two more exciting visits on the agenda, watch this space!


On our class reading display we are hanging book covers of all the books we read over the year. You will be able to see this if you are able to come to our Friday library time. We would really like to add some photographs of you all reading a book in your favourite place. Will you get snuggled in bed or make a den? Perhaps you have a favourite blanket and cuddly toy to read with? Please upload your photo to Seesaw and we will post some of them on our class blog next week too. Don’t forget that this will count towards Miss Northen’s weekly reading challenge of reading a minimum of three times each week so remember to ask an adult to sign your reading log.

Your weekly spelling list is below. Try to read through the list and practise spelling as many as you can. Can you find any other homophones when you are doing your reading?