Weekly round up and homework w/c 10/07/23

Last week was sports week and you can see photos of what we got up to at the end of this post. Bowling at the local bowls club and smoothie making were the highlights of our week. We also had rounders and cricket tournaments, bench all in the hall and our non-stop sports day. As it was also health week, we did lots of classroom learning about food groups and a balanced diet. This complemented our work in science on human development. We were also lucky enough to have a little visitor to our classroom…..We had a visit from eight month old baby A and her mum and the class had lots of really interesting questions to ask about what babies can and can’t do.

Your homework this week is to complete Miss Northen’s reading challenge by reading at home at least three times this week and recording your reading in your reading log. In addition, this week’s spelling pattern is below.

Weekly round up and homework w/c 03/07/23

Last week we really enjoyed a pottery morning with the artist Eleanor. All of Key Stage One were able to paint a tile with a lovely flower design. The tiles have gone to be fired in Eleanor’s kiln and will be back for the children to take home before the end of term.

In maths we have been measuring temperature and will be moving onto the last part of our measure unit which will involve measuring amounts of liquids. In English we have been imagining ourselves in the role of Thomas Farriner, the baker who is usually regarded as responsible for starting the Great Fire of London. The children have been writing first person diary recounts in role and trying to improve their use of descriptive vocabulary.


This week is sports and health week. I would love you to upload any photos of yourselves doing sport out of school to our class Seesaw account.
We will be making smoothies this week too and for the second part of your homework I would like you to design a smoothies recipe with your favourite juice flavour and favourite fruits. You can write a list of ingredients or draw a labelled picture of your creation. Please upload your work to Seesaw.

Weekly round up and homework for w/c 26/06/23

Class 2 LOVED Arts week last week! We investigated and created poetry and then all of the pupils created self-portraits. They have a special Arts Week book which will be going home very soon. This week we are back consolidating our work on measure and continuing our diary writing work in relation to the Great Fire of London. We also have a special treat this week. Key Stage One have been donated a sum of money for an enrichment activity. We decided that we would invite back he lady who did a pottery workshop with us before. This time we will be created painted ceramic tiles of different flowers that we have observed in our science lessons and outdoor learning. We are very excited for this! Next week will be our sports week and amongst lots of other activities we will be looking forward to our visit to Brandesburton Bowls Club.

For homework this week, there is a practical activity. We have been learning about and practising weighing different items in grams and kilograms. If you have some weighing scales at home or some bathroom scales, can you find different objects around the house and estimate how heavy they will be and then weigh them? There is also a recording sheet on the class Seesaw account if you would like to use it.

If you would like to complete any additional work, there are lots of activities relating to the Great Fire of London on our class Purple Mash account on the 2do section.

Weekly round up and homework

Last week we completed our maths topic on telling the time and we also completed our diary work relating to the Great Fire of London. We loved the warmer weather and the opportunity to get outside and use our P.E. lessons to practise our running skills ready for sports day.
This week are are taking part in Sky Arts Arts Week. We are looking forward to writing some original poetry and enhancing our 2D mark making skills.
Homework this week is connected to Arts week and a template will be sent home in book bags. There is also a template on Seesaw.
Why not also participate in our whole school activity relating to the 30 Days Wild from the Wildlife Trusts. This week you can take a selfie (or ask an adult to take a photo of you) reading outside.

Weekly round up and homework 12/06/23

Class two had a very busy first week back and after sharing what we had been up to over the half-term break, we launched straight into our theme work on the Great Fire of London and also our related English unit on the book Toby and the Great Fire of London. The pupils learnt lots last half-term about the modern day geography of London and were really excited to start learning about the history of the Great Fire of London. They asked lots of amazing questions that we will hope to research and find the answers to this half-term. In maths we have been practising telling the time. This week will be the last week of this before moving on but as it is a very important life skill, please do keep practising at home. The year 2 end of year expectation for telling the time is being able to tell the time on the hour, half-past, quarter past and quarter to. This week we will go further and look at telling the time at five minutes past and five minutes to the hour as well.

Homework: This is our spelling pattern this week. Can you find any other examples of words that follow the pattern of using ‘a’ for the ‘aw’ sound before ‘l’ and ‘ll’?

Our other homework links our school challenge of reading at least three times a week to our school participation in the Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild initiative. Next week our chosen challenge for the selfie photo is ‘reading outside in the grass’. It doesn’t have to be in the gras though, pick a place outside when you can relax and settle down with a favourite book, a new book or share a book with family. Upload your selfie photo to Seesaw or email to the school office so that we can add it to our whole school display board. we can’t wait to see your selfies!

Weekly round up w/c 22/05/23

What an incredibly busy half -term we have had! i can’t believe there is only one more half term to go and then that’s it for this academic year and the year two pupils!

Last week the pupils undertook SATs tests in maths, reading and spelling and grammar. They all absolutely worked their socks off and tried so hard in each and every test. They are not used to seeing their classroom with the desks separated and they also like to work with partners and groups, so having to undergo independent tests, sitting in silence was quite a challenge (as it is for all six and seven year olds). They were so resilient and really gave the best of themselves. As soon as each test was completed we enjoyed biscuits together and the children got lots of extra play time, colouring and lego – their favourite things!

This week it was business as usual as we worked hard to finish off our geography theme on London before we move onto history next half-term. The children enjoyed looking at the aerial maps of London and trying to see if they could still identify any famous landmarks. After several weeks of geography they now have a great understanding of the location of London and the many important buildings. They were also able to compare weather data with Nairobi, a city in Kenya, and use the data on the graph to look at temperature, rainfall and hours of sunlight in each city in different months. Very impressive class 2!

We also made good use of the lovely weather to get our PE sessions in and complete our unit on bat and ball skills. The class also enjoyed playing some mini games of cricket too. Next half-term the class will be practising their athletics skills and of course participating in the school sports day.

There is no specific class homework set for over the half-term break but if you are out and about in the lovely summer sunshine, you might like to try some of the activities on the 30 Days Wild challenge that is run by the Wildlife Trust. Information on this was sent home attached to the school newsletter. We look forward to seeing the selfies of the activities you have undertaken.

Have a lovely half-term break

Mrs P

Weekly round up and homework w/c 09/05/23

Class 2 really enjoyed their design technology project this week. We designed and made an afternoon tea to celebrate the King’s Coronation. We used lots of cross-curricular skills to write instructions for making our fruit kebabs. We used our maths skills to draw a tally chart for our favourite sandwich fillings (ham and crisps!) and then recorded our results on a bar chart. We also carried out lots of research into where the ingredients for our shortcake biscuits (flour, butter and sugar) come from. Then we created designs to ice onto the baked shortcake biscuits. Finally, dressed all in red, white and blue, we sat down to share our hard work and eat our celebration tea. Everyone had a really enjoyable time and it was a great way to celebrate the Coronation.

Homework for this week is to complete the maths questions on time and also revise word classifications. Both of these will be really useful practice for the year 2 SATs tests next week.

Weekly round up and homework w/c 02/05/23

The highlight of last week was undoubtedly our Key Stage One Visit to Howsham Mill. The weather held for us and 38 excited children and an assortment of staff and parent helpers duly arrived ready for our day of outdoor learning. As well as being able to take part in a minibeast hunt and use the pooters to ‘suck up’ mini-beasts for closer observation, the children were also able to make bug caravans and toast marshmallows around the camp fire to make S’mores. They also enjoyed seeing the water wheel in action and the newer water turbine that are both used to generate green electricity. Opinion was divided on the favourite activity of the day although it is fair to say that the outdoor compost toilets were not popular! Lots of running around in the fresh air led to quite a few sleepy children on the coach home and a little peace for the adults!

This week we will be carrying out our food technology project as part of our Design Technology Curriculum, We will be planning, designing and making an afternoon tea to celebrate the King’s Coronation as well as researching where some of the ingredients that we will be using come from within the UK. More information and photos will be shared next week!

As we move another week closer to our year 2 SATs tests, I am once again using some example questions for additional practice as homework. Templates can be found on Seesaw. Spelling will once again consolidate our work on using apostrophes for possession and contraction and applying the rules for these in independent written work across the curriculum.


Welcome to the Summer term!

I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and got to spend some time outside in the fresh air. Hopefully we will have plenty more sunshine to come. We will hopefully get to take our learning outside as much as possible including planting seeds and growing plants, maintaining and using the wildlife garden and sketching the flowers that grow in the school grounds. We will also have both of our weekly PE sessions outdoors as well.

Our theme this term is London’s Burning! We will be looking at the modern day geography of London and also the history of the Great Fire of London. With this in mind, our first English unit will be a narrative unit based on the book ‘Katie in London’. Your homework for this week will be to take on the role of a teacher and correct the punctuation mistakes in the following sentences. A template has been added to the class Seesaw account.

I will also be setting weekly maths homework in the run up to the year 2 SATs tests. This week’s maths is below and also on Seesaw. There is also a parents meeting this Friday in the hall at 3pm to give more information about the y2 SATs.